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Elizabeth Buckton

Private Wealth Advisor

BMO Wealth Management

Elizabeth serves as a lead advisor and relationship manager to high-net-worth individuals, families and organizations, including closely-held and family-owned businesses. Elizabeth works closely with clients to gain a complete understanding of their lifestyle, career, philanthropic and wealth planning goals. Once she has a holistic understanding of her clients’ objectives she engages a Client Strategy Team to create a unique and constantly evolving financial plan and strategy to help meet these goals. Elizabeth joined the organization in 2015 and has over 5 years of experience in the financial services industry.

Prior to her current role, Elizabeth served as a client consultant with AonHewitt Investment Consulting which specialized in public pension funds, endowments and corporate retirement plans. Elizabeth earned a double BA in finance and economics from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Elizabeth lives in Wicker Park, Chicago, Illinois. She is an avid golfer and enjoys traveling and cooking.